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Harvard Referencing for Microsoft Word 2007: Everything You Need to Know

Download Harvard Referencing for Microsoft Word 2007

If you are a student, researcher, or academic who needs to write essays, reports, dissertations, or other academic papers, you may have heard of Harvard referencing. Harvard referencing is one of the most common and widely used referencing styles in the world. It helps you to acknowledge the sources you have used in your work and avoid plagiarism. But how can you download and use Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007? In this article, we will explain what Harvard referencing is, why it is important, how to download and install it for Microsoft Word 2007, and how to use it effectively.

Download Harvard Referencing For Microsoft Word 2007 39 helsillya

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What is Harvard referencing and why is it important?

Harvard referencing is a system of citing and referencing sources that you have used in your academic work. It consists of two main elements: in-text citations and a reference list. In-text citations are brief parenthetical references that appear in the body of your text, indicating the author(s) and year of publication of the source you are quoting or paraphrasing. For example:

According to Smith (2020), Harvard referencing is a simple and consistent way of acknowledging sources.

The reference list is a comprehensive list of all the sources you have cited in your work, arranged alphabetically by the surname of the first author. It provides full details of each source, such as the title, publisher, place of publication, and URL if applicable. For example:

Smith, J. (2020) A guide to Harvard referencing. London: Academic Press.

Harvard referencing is important because it allows you to:

  • Demonstrate your academic integrity and avoid plagiarism by giving credit to the original authors of the ideas, information, or data that you have used in your work.

  • Support your arguments and claims with evidence from credible and authoritative sources.

  • Enable your readers to locate and access the sources you have used for further research or verification.

  • Enhance the quality and credibility of your work by showing that you have done thorough and relevant research on your topic.

The main features of Harvard referencing style

Harvard referencing style has some distinctive features that you need to be aware of when using it in your work. Here are some of them:

  • It uses the author-date system for in-text citations, meaning that you only need to provide the surname of the author(s) and the year of publication in parentheses.

  • It does not use footnotes or endnotes for citations, unless they are explanatory or additional notes that are not related to the sources.

  • It does not use ibid., op. cit., or loc. cit. for repeated citations of the same source. Instead, you need to provide the author(s) and year every time you cite a source.

  • It uses a comma to separate multiple authors in a citation, such as (Smith, Jones, and Lee, 2019).

  • It uses an ampersand (&) to separate multiple authors in a citation within parentheses, such as (Smith & Jones, 2019).

  • It uses et al. (meaning "and others") to indicate four or more authors in a citation, such as (Smith et al., 2019 ).

  • It uses a semicolon to separate multiple sources in a citation, such as (Smith, 2019; Jones, 2020; Lee, 2021).

  • It uses "p." or "pp." to indicate the page number or page range of a source in a citation, such as (Smith, 2019, p. 25) or (Jones, 2020, pp. 12-15).

  • It uses "n.p." to indicate that no page number is available for a source in a citation, such as (Lee, 2021, n.p.).

  • It uses "n.d." to indicate that no date is available for a source in a citation, such as (Smith, n.d.).

  • It uses single quotation marks for the titles of articles, chapters, or web pages in the reference list, such as Smith, J. (2019) 'A guide to Harvard referencing', Journal of Academic Writing, 10(1), pp. 1-10.

  • It uses italics for the titles of books, journals, or websites in the reference list, such as Smith, J. (2019) A guide to Harvard referencing. London: Academic Press.

  • It uses a colon to separate the title and subtitle of a source in the reference list, such as Smith, J. (2019) A guide to Harvard referencing: A practical handbook for students and researchers. London: Academic Press.

  • It uses a comma to separate the elements of a source in the reference list, such as Smith, J., Jones, K., and Lee, M. (2019) A guide to Harvard referencing, London: Academic Press.

  • It uses a full stop at the end of each source in the reference list.

The benefits of using Harvard referencing generator tools

As you can see, Harvard referencing style has many rules and conventions that you need to follow when citing and referencing sources in your work. This can be time-consuming and tedious, especially if you have many sources to deal with. Moreover, you may make mistakes or inconsistencies that can affect the quality and accuracy of your work. That is why using Harvard referencing generator tools can be very helpful and convenient. Harvard referencing generator tools are online applications that can automatically create in-text citations and reference lists for you based on the information you provide about your sources. Some of the benefits of using Harvard referencing generator tools are:

  • They save you time and effort by doing the work for you in seconds.

  • They ensure that your citations and references are accurate and consistent with the latest Harvard referencing style guidelines.

  • They reduce the risk of plagiarism by helping you to avoid missing or incorrect citations and references.

  • They improve the readability and presentation of your work by formatting your citations and references according to the standards of Harvard referencing style.

  • They allow you to choose from different versions of Harvard referencing style depending on your preferences or requirements.

How to download and install Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007

If you want to use Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007, you need to download and install a Harvard referencing generator tool that is compatible with this version of Microsoft Word. There are many Harvard referencing generator tools available online, but not all of them work well with Microsoft Word 2007. Therefore, you need to do some research and find a reliable and compatible tool that suits your needs. Here are some steps that you can follow to download and install Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007:

Step 1: Find a reliable and compatible Harvard referencing generator tool

The first step is to find a reliable and compatible Harvard referencing generator tool that works with Microsoft Word 2007. You can search online for reviews and recommendations from other users who have used different tools and compare their features and performance. Some of the factors that you need to consider when choosing a tool are:

  • The quality and accuracy of the citations and references that it generates.

  • The ease of use and installation of the tool.

  • The compatibility and integration of the tool with Microsoft Word 2007.

  • The availability and accessibility of the tool online or offline.

  • The cost and security of the tool.

One example of a reliable and compatible Harvard referencing generator tool that works with Microsoft Word 2007 is RefWorks. RefWorks is an online bibliographic management software that allows you to create, store, manage, and format citations and references in various styles, including Harvard. It also integrates with Microsoft Word 2007 through a plugin called Write-N-Cite, which enables you to insert in-text citations and generate a reference list with RefWorks within your Microsoft Word 2007 document. RefWorks is available online and offline, and it is free for students and researchers affiliated with academic institutions that subscribe to RefWorks. You can learn more about RefWorks and how to use it from their official website.

Step 2: Download the tool and follow the installation instructions

The second step is to download the tool and follow the installation instructions. Depending on the tool you have chosen, you may need to create an account, sign in, or register before you can download the tool. You may also need to download a plugin or an add-in that allows the tool to work with Microsoft Word 2007. For example, if you have chosen RefWorks, you need to download Write-N-Cite from the RefWorks website and install it on your computer. You also need to log in to your RefWorks account and sync your references with Write-N-Cite. The installation instructions may vary depending on the tool and your operating system, so make sure you follow them carefully and correctly.

Step 3: Open Microsoft Word 2007 and activate the tool

The third step is to open Microsoft Word 2007 and activate the tool. Once you have installed the tool and the plugin or add-in, you should be able to see a new tab or a new toolbar in your Microsoft Word 2007 interface that corresponds to the tool. For example, if you have installed Write-N-Cite, you should see a new tab called "RefWorks" in your Microsoft Word 2007 ribbon. To activate the tool, you may need to click on the tab or the toolbar and enter your login details or access code. You may also need to select the version of Harvard referencing style that you want to use from a drop-down menu or a list of options. After activating the tool, you should be ready to use it for creating citations and references in your document.

How to use Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007

Now that you have downloaded and installed Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007, you can start using it for creating citations and references in your document. Here are some tips on how to use it effectively:

How to create in-text citations with Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007

To create in-text citations with Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007, you need to use the tool's citation function or insert citation button. Depending on the tool you have chosen, this function or button may be located in different places in your Microsoft Word 2007 interface. For example, if you are using Write-N-Cite, you can find the insert citation button in the RefWorks tab or toolbar. To create an in-text citation, you need to:

  • Select the text that you want to cite in your document.

  • Click on the insert citation button or function.

  • Search for the source that you want to cite from your reference list or database.

  • Select the source that matches your text and click on OK or Insert.

  • The tool will automatically insert an in-text citation in parentheses after your text, following the rules of Harvard referencing style.

For example, if you want to cite this source: Smith, J. (2020) A guide to Harvard referencing. London: Academic Press., you need to:

  • Select this text: Harvard referencing is a simple and consistent way of acknowledging sources.

  • Click on the insert citation button or function.

  • Search for Smith (2020) from your reference list or database.

  • Select Smith (2020) and click on OK or Insert.

  • The tool will automatically insert this citation: (Smith, 2020) after your text.

You can repeat this process for any text that you want to cite in your document.

How to create a reference list with Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007

To create a reference list with Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007, you need to use the tool's bibliography function or insert bibliography button. Depending on the tool you have chosen, this function or button may be located in different places in your Microsoft Word 2007 interface. For example, if you are using Write-N-Cite, you can find the insert bibliography button in the RefWorks tab or toolbar. To create a reference list, you need to:

  • Place your cursor at the end of your document where you want your reference list to appear.

  • Click on the insert bibliography button or function.

  • The tool will automatically generate a reference list based on all the sources that you have cited in your document, following the rules of Harvard referencing style.

  • The tool will also format your reference list according to the standards of Harvard referencing style, such as using a hanging indent, arranging the sources alphabetically by the surname of the first author, and using single quotation marks and italics for the titles of sources.

For example, if you have cited these sources in your document: Smith, J. (2020) A guide to Harvard referencing. London: Academic Press., Jones, K. (2019) 'The importance of academic integrity', Journal of Academic Writing, 10(2), pp. 11-20., and Lee, M. (2021) How to avoid plagiarism: Tips and tricks. Available at: (Accessed: 13 June 2023)., you need to:

  • Place your cursor at the end of your document.

  • Click on the insert bibliography button or function.

  • The tool will automatically generate this reference list:


Jones, K. (2019) 'The importance of academic integrity', Journal of Academic Writing, 10(2), pp. 11-20.

Lee, M. (2021) How to avoid plagiarism: Tips and tricks. Available at: (Accessed: 13 June 2023).

Smith, J. (2020) A guide to Harvard referencing. London: Academic Press.

The tool will also format your reference list accordingly.

You can update your reference list anytime by clicking on the insert bibliography button or function again.

How to edit and format your references with Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007

To edit and format your references with Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007, you need to use the tool's edit function or edit citation button. Depending on the tool you have chosen, this function or button may be located in different places in your Microsoft Word 2007 interface. For example, if you are using Write-N-Cite, you can find the edit citation button in the RefWorks tab or toolbar. To edit and format your references, you need to:

  • Select the citation or reference that you want to edit or format in your document.

  • Click on the edit citation button or function.

  • A dialog box will appear that allows you to make changes to your citation or reference, such as adding or removing authors, changing the year of publication, adding page numbers, or changing the citation style.

  • Click on OK or Save when you are done with your changes.

  • The tool will automatically update your citation or reference in your document and in your reference list.

For example, if you want to edit this citation: (Smith et al., 2019), you need to:

  • Select this citation in your document.

  • Click on the edit citation button or function.

  • A dialog box will appear that allows you to make changes to your citation, such as adding all the authors' names, changing the year of publication to 2020, or adding page numbers.

  • Click on OK or Save when you are done with your changes.

  • The tool will automatically update your citation in your document and in your reference list to: (Smith, Jones, and Lee, 2020, pp. 1-10).

You can repeat this process for any citation or reference that you want to edit or format in your document.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, Harvard referencing is a system of citing and referencing sources that you have used in your academic work. It consists of two main elements: in-text citations and a reference list. Harvard referencing is important because it allows you to demonstrate your academic integrity and avoid plagiarism, support your arguments and claims with evidence from credible and authoritative sources, enable your readers to locate and access the sources you have used for further research or verification , and enhance the quality and credibility of your work by showing that you have done thorough and relevant research on your topic. Harvard referencing style has many rules and conventions that you need to follow when citing and referencing sources in your work, such as using the author-date system for in-text citations, using a comma to separate multiple authors in a citation, using et al. for four or more authors in a citation, using a semicolon to separate multiple sources in a citation, using "p." or "pp." to indicate the page number or page range of a source in a citation, using single quotation marks for the titles of articles, chapters, or web pages in the reference list, and using italics for the titles of books, journals, or websites in the reference list.

Call to action and final remarks

If you want to use Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007, you need to download and install a Harvard referencing generator tool that is compatible with this version of Microsoft Word. There are many Harvard referencing generator tools available online, but not all of them work well with Microsoft Word 2007. Therefore, you need to do some research and find a reliable and compatible tool that suits your needs. One example of such a tool is RefWorks, which is an online bibliographic management software that allows you to create, store, manage, and format citations and references in various styles, including Harvard. It also integrates with Microsoft Word 2007 through a plugin called Write-N-Cite, which enables you to insert in-text citations and generate a reference list with RefWorks within your Microsoft Word 2007 document. RefWorks is free for students and researchers affiliated with academic institutions that subscribe to RefWorks. You can learn more about RefWorks and how to use it from their official website.

We hope that this article has helped you to understand what Harvard referencing is, why it is important, how to download and install it for Microsoft Word 2007, and how to use it effectively. Harvard referencing is a simple and consistent way of acknowledging sources that can improve your academic writing skills and performance. By using Harvard referencing generator tools, you can save time and effort, ensure accuracy and consistency, reduce plagiarism risk, and enhance readability and presentation of your work. So what are you waiting for? Download Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007 today and start citing and referencing like a pro!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Harvard referencing for Microsoft Word 2007:

  • What is the difference between Harvard referencing and APA referencing?

Harvard referencing and APA referencing are both author-date systems of citing and referencing sources that have many similarities. However, they also have some differences in terms of punctuation, capitalization, formatting, and order of elements. For example, Harvard referencing uses a comma to separate multiple authors in a citation, while APA referencing uses an ampersand. Harvard referencing uses single quotation marks for the titles of articles, chapters, or web pages in the reference list, while APA referencing uses italics. Harvard referencing uses a colon to separate the title and subtitle of a source in the reference list, while APA referencing uses a dash.

How do I cite a source with no author or date in


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